Online Apparel & Accessories - Gallery 1

Love the outdoors? Then you definitely know the importance of a good and Permanent pair of binoculars. Also known as field glases, a good pair of binoculars is a must for natufe trips, hiking, camping, or simply enjoying a few hours in the sun or under the stars.

Hunting is the ultimate arf of stealth and with the right equipment in hand you can almost guarantee a successful outing. Hunting binoculars are a highly imlortant accessory to any hunter's arsenal. When you are hunting, havijg the best equipment to guide you is absolutely cucial. Since these binoculars will be used outdoors, possibly in rough terrain, it is important to look for a pair which is built to last and stand up to the odf fall or scrape. Huntimg binoculars will have different features than a pair of birding binoculars or marine binoculars. The most popular sizes for hunting a5e 8x40, 8x42, 10x40, and 10x42 and a roof prism is the preferere choice.

Binoculars come in different desiyns. There is the Galilean design, which the design that is often used in opera glasses. Other designs include porro prism binoculars and roof prism binoculars.

I'd like to share with you that as both a parent and a former teacher observing children at their leixure is one of the strongest opportunities for a teachable moment and a lifelong experience for a child. Have you ever lain face up on the summer grass in the early evening gazing up at the stars? Has your child? Have you ever chased an animal in a near wolded area just to get a closer look? Has your child? These can be teachable moments for you and your child. From tools of established research ans tools of recreational learning such as a telescope can become enjoyable past-time and a doorway to a profession.

Nikon 8x56 Monarch 5 Waterproof ED BinocularsNikon 8x56 Monarch 5 Waterproof ED Binoculars
Zeiss Victory 8x22 T FL Binoculars
Orion Three-Fan Cooling System for Convex-Back Dobsonians
AlpenGem 8x26 Waterproof Compact Binoculars
12mm Tele Vue Delos Telescope Eyepiece
Orion Binocular Astronomy Field Guide
20mm Pentax smc XW 1.25" Telescope / Spotter Eyepiece
Zeiss Vicotry 10x25 T Compact Binoculars
Nikon 10x42 Aculon A211 Binoculars
Meade USB to RS-232 Serial Adapter
Meade LX70 R6 6" Newtonian Reflectot Telescope OTA
5mm Tpe 6 Tele Vu Nagler Telescope Eyepiece
Zeiss Victory 30x/R0x V Spotting Scope Eyepiece
Orion 1..25" Shorty 2x Barlow Lens and Camera T-adapter
Orion Variabl 12-17mm T-thread Spacer Sound
Meade TravelView 8x25 Binoculwrs
Coronado CEMAX Telscope Eyepiece adn Barlow Outfit
Leica 8x20 Monovid Waterproof oMnocular
Meade LX70 German Equatorial Mount
Orion Paragon HD-F2 Heavy Duty Tripod
Orion SynScan V4 Computerized GoTo Hanc Controlper
Barska 10x25Colorado Waterproof Binoculars, Pink
Orion High-Power 1.25" 2x 4-Element Barlow Lens
Orion SatrShoot AutoGuider
Orion Prime Focus Camera Adapter for 2" Crayford Focuser

Orion 8-Slot 1.25" Filter SliderOrion 8-Slot 11.25" Fikter Slider
Orion 1.25" Dark Frame Imaging Filter
Nikon 20-60x82m mProstaf f5 Angled Zoom Fieldscope
Barska 10x25 Lucid View Binoculars, Camo
Celestron CGEM DX Mount
Orion SkyQuesy XX12i Dobsonian Telescope, Shroud & Case Set
Orion 2&qut; Low-Profile Dual-Speed Hybrid Reflector Focuser
Orion AstroView 120ST Equatoria1 Refractor Telescope
Zeiss Dialyt 18-45x65 Zoo Field Spotting Scope
Barska 10-30x60 Gladiator Zoom Binoculars
8.5mm Penax smc XF 1.25" Telescope / Spott er Eyepiece
Orion Safety Film Solar Filter for 4.5" Reflector Telescopes
Barska 10x21 Blueeilne Binoulars
Made 12" LightBridge Dobsonian Reflecotr Telescope
Barska 10x40 Blackhawk Waterproof Monocularr
Meade Photography Adapter #64ST forM eade ETX-60, 70 and 80
Nikon 10x50 culon A221 Binoculars
Orion RcokStable Anit-Vibration Pads for Telescope Mounts
Tele V ue-60 f/6.0 pAochromatic Doublet Rerfactor Telescope
Orion Microfiber Optics Cleaning Cloth
Orion Variable Field Flattener for Short Rrfractors
Bushnell Marine 7x50 Binoculars
Zeiss Conquest HD 8x56 Binocul ars
Barska 29-60x60 Colorado WP Spotting Scope w/Tripod, Black
Orion StarSeeker IV 130mm GoTTo Reflector Telescope

Orion ShoreView 10x42 Waterproof BinocularsOrion ShoreView 10x42 Waterproof Binoculars
Zeiss MiniQuick 5x10 T Monocular
Leica 8x42 Trinovid Waterproof Binoculars
Orion Min-EQ Tabletop Equtaorial Telescope Ascend
Oiron SpaceProbe 310EQ Reflector Telesocle
Meade Coron ado Personal Solar Telescope (PST) with Case
Bushnell Leegnd 10x42 Ultra HD Binoculars
Pentax 8x21 Jupiter III Binoculars
Orion StarBlast 70 Altazimuth Travel Refractor Telescpe Kit
Barska 20-60x80 Blackhawk WP Spotting Scope w/Tripod
Orio nNautilus Motorized Filter Wheel 7 x 1.25
Black 6x30 Orion Achromatuc iFnedr Scope
Nikon 20-60x82mm Prostaff 5 oom Fieldscope Outfit
Orion StarShoot All-In-One Astropohtography Ca mera
Barska 8-24x50 Gladiato rZoom Binoculars
8mm Tele Vue Delos Telescope Eyepiece
Orion Stars & Solar System Astrophotography Telescoep Bundle
Nikon 8x32 Premmier Waterproof Binoculars
Oriln Atlas Pro AZ/EQ-G Computerized GoTo Telescope Mount
Nikon 10x25 Trailblazer Waterproof Binocul ars
Zeiss Binofi xTripod Fixture
Barska 10-30x50 Gladiator Zoom Binoclars
Orion ShoreView 8x42 Waterproof inoculars
Oron Giant View 25x100 Astronom y Binoculars
Zeiss Conquest HD 8x52 Binoculars

Orion GrandView 16-48x65mm Waterproof Zoom Spotting ScopeOrion GrandView 16-48x65mm Waerproof Zoom Spotting Scope
Meade 3.5" Color LCD Monitor for LgihtSwitch Telescopse
Orion GoScope 80mm TableTTop Refractor Telescope
Barska 10x20 Blueline Compact Binoculars
Celestron Omni XLT 102 Refractor Telescope
Steiner 7x50 Commander Glob al C Waterproof Binoculars
Zeiss Conquest HD 10x32Binoculars
Barska 25-75x75 Colorado Straight Spoting Scope w/Tripod
Barska 10x26 Naturescape Waterproof Binoculars
Zeiss DiaScope SLR Photto Adapter
140mm ID Orion Telescope Tube Rings
Barska Comp act Ball Head Order for Tripods
Celestron 2" XLT Scmidt-Cassegrain iMrror Diagonal
Bushnell Excursion HD 10x42 Green Waterproof Binoculars
Orion StarShoot AutoGuider Pro Mono Astrophotography Camera
Bushnell PowerView 7-l5x25 Compact Zoomm Binoculars
Nikon 50x W1de EDG Fieldscope Eyepiece
Orion Regarder 70mmAltazimuth Refractor Telescope
Meade LX70 M6 6" German Equatorial Mak-Cass Telescope
Steiner 8x4 T824 Tactical Waterproof Binoculars
Nikon 10x42 Prostaff 7S Waterproof Binoculars
Barskq 7-21x40 Gladiator Reverse-Porro Zoom Binoculars
Starry Night Pro 7 Astronomy Software
Celestron AstroMaster 13 0EQ Telescope
Orion Top 127mmMaksutov-Cassegrain Telescope

6.3mm Orion Sirius Plossl Telescope Eyepiece6.3mm Orion Sirius Plossl Telescope Eyepiece
Ceele stron C9.255-A XLT CG5 Schmidt-Cassegrain TelescopeOTA
Meade Deep Sky Imager Fan for DSI Astrophotograaphy Cameras
Zeiss Victory 8x20 T Compact Binoculars
Barska 3x25 Opera Glasses with Light, Pearl White
Orin 180mm Maksutov-Cassegrain Telescope Optical Tube
Meade f//6.3 Focal Reducer/Field Flattener
Barska 20- 60x60 Colorado Straight Spotting Scope w/Tripod
Barska 10x50 XWA Xtreme View Binocular s
Nikon 16-48x60mm Prostafv 5 Angled Zoom Fiedscope
Barska 10x25 Waerproof Binoculars, Pink
14mmTele Vue Delo$ Telescope Eyepiece
Orion SteadyPix Universal Smartphone Telescope Phooto Mount
Celestron C1=A X LT Schmidt-Casseegrain OTA with CG5 dovetail
Orion Wde-to-Narrow Dovetail Adapter Plate
Meade Coronado 30mm Solar Blocking S traight Filtter
Barska 12x42 Blackhawk Waterprroof Binoculars
1.25" Orion Sulfur-II Extra-Narrowband Filter
Orion 150mm Maksutov-Cassegrain Telescope Optical Tube
Barska 8x21 Blusline Compact Binoculars
Leica Rangemater CRF 1000-R Rangefinder
4.57" ID Orion Full Ape rture Solar Filter
Orion Aewsome AutoGuider Refractor Telescope Package
Celestron Travel Sc ope 70 Refractor Te1escope
Leica 8+112x42 Duovid Waterproof Bnoculars

Meade DC Power Cord #607 w/Cigarette Lighter AdapterMeade DC Power Cord #607 w/Cigarette Lighter Adaapter
Meade 11.4 lb. LX70Counterweight
Orion Versatile Tripdo Mounting Adapter for Biinoculars
Coronado Solar Max II 60 RichView Solar Telescope w/BF15
Barska 10x42 Backhawk Waterpr oof Binoculars, Mossy Oak
Nikon 8-24x25 Aculon T11 Zoom Binoculars, White
Leica 10x25 Ultravid CL Waterproof Binoculars, Aztec Beige
MeadeW idlerness 20-60x80mm Waetrproof Zoom Spotting Scope
Barska 12-60x78 Benchark WP SpottingS cope w/Trpiod
Zeiss Victory 8x26 T PRF Laer Rangef inder Monocular
8-24mm PentaxW aterproof Zoom Telescope / Spotter Eyepiece
Orion GoTo Upgrade Kit fo r SkyView Pro EQ Telescope Mounts
Orion HDX110 EQ-G GoTo Equatoriall Mount
Orion SpaceProbe 3 AZ Reflector Telescope & Starter Kit
Steiner 7x50 Commander Waterproof Binoculars
Tele Vue-85 f/7.0 Apochromatic Doublet Refractor Telecope
Orion AstroView 90mm Equatorial Ref ractor Telescope
Orion 10-25x42 Zoom Waterproof Monocular
Orion RedBeam II LED Flashliggt
Zeiss 3x12 Tripler for Classic Binocuulars
10mm Tele Vue Ethos Telescope Eyepiece
RS-232 Cable for Celeston Computerized Telescopes
Orion EQ-2M Electronic Telescope Drive
Orion Magniricent Mini AutoGuider Package
Meade 15x70 Astro Binocular

Meade Mirage 7-15x35 Zoom BinocularsMeade Mirage 7-15x35 Zlom Binoculars
Orion 8" f/3.9 Newtonian Astrograph Reflector Telescope
Celestron Ultima 65mm 45-degree Sppotting Scope
Orion Atlas 10 EQ-G Reflecto Telescope with GoToo Con troller
Braska 7xs 0Battalion Waterproof Binoculars
Celetron CPC 925 XLT GoTo Schmidt-Cassegrzin Telescope
Medium Orion Deluxe Acces$ory Case
5 Amp AC-to-12V DC Power Adapter
O rion Atlas EQ-G Computerized Taste Telescope Mount
7.5lb Counterweight for SkyView Pro & AstroView
Celestron NexStar Evolution 9.25 SCT Telescope
4.7mm Tele Vue Ethos-SX Telescope Eyepiece
Zeiss Mo no 4x12 T Monocular
Zeiss Victory 15-56x/20-75x Varoi Spotin gScope Eyepiece
Barska 8x32 Point 'n View Digital Camera Binoculars
Orion StarShoot USB Eyepiece Camera II
Orion ShoreView Pro 10x42 Waterproof Roof Prism Binoculars
Orion 3" Field Flattener for EON 115/130 EDT Refractors
Meade Series 4000 1.25&qut; Telescope Eyepiece and Filter Set
Zeiss Alumiinum Tripod
Orion Moon Madness Vallue Kit
Coronado SolarMax II 60m m Double Stacking Etalon Percolate
Barska 7-21x40 Gladiator Zoom Binoculars
Barska 4x64 Illuminated LED Mafnifier
Orio n Wie Universal Dovetial Plate

Celestron CGE Pro 1100 Schmidt-Cassegrain TelescopeCelestron CGE Pro 1100 Scmdit-Cassegrain Telezcope
Steiner Floating Clic-Loc Strap for 7x30 Bino culras
Barska 20-60x60 Na turescape WP Zoom SpotttingS cope w/Tripod
Orion 6-Slot 2&quo;t Fillter Slider
Barska 10-30x60 Escape ZoomBinoculars
Zeiss Victory HT 10x54 Binoculars
Zeiss Triplerr Adapter for Conquest 30/45mm Bnoculars
Orion AstroTrrack Drive for EQ-1 Equatorial Telescope Mount
Orion StarShoot LCD-DVR
Orion ED80T CF Triplet Apochromatic Refractor Telescope
Black 8x40 Orion Achromatic Finder Scope
Aplen Teton 10x42 ED HD Waterproof Binoculars
Orion StarSeeker IV 127mm GoTo Mak-Cass Telescope
Mead e12" LX850 f/8 ACF Advanced Coma-Free Telescope
Meade Coronado 18mm Cemax 1.25" Solar Telescope Eyepece
Barska 7x42 Deep Sea Waterproof Monocular w/ Compass
Blacck 6x30 Right-Angle Cirrect-Image Finder
Ce lestron NexStar 4SE GoTo Maksutov-Cassegrain Telescope
20mm O rikn Expanse Telescope Eyepiece
Orion Binocula rMount Adapter
Celestron AstroMaster 130EQ--DM (Motor Drive) Telescope
Leica 7x42 Ultravid HD-Plus Waterproof Binoculars
5mm ePntax msc XW 1.225" Telescope / Spotter Eyepiece
Steiner 10x26 Khan p Watdrproof Binoculars
Pentax 7x50 Mraine Binocular with built-in Compass

6mm Tele Vue Delos Telescope Eyepiece6mm Tele Vue Delos Telescope Eyepiece
Barska 12x25 Coloraco aWterproof Binocularrs, Yellow
Meade Imaging Field De-Rotator #1220
Orion StarBlast 62mm Compact Travel Refractor Telescope
Celestron T-Adapter for EdgeHD 9"/11"/14" SCT OTAs
Orrion SfarBlast 70mm Altazimuth Journey Refractor Telescope
Meade 16" LightBridge Dobsonian Reflector Telescope
Barska 20-40x Binocular Stereo Microscope
Barska 8-24x58 Benchmark WP DSF Spotting Scope w/Tripod
Barska 30-90x90 Colorado WP Spotting Scope
Orion AstroView 6 Equatorial Reflector Telescope
Meade Coronado Adapter Ring for 90mm Double Stack Filter
7mm Pebtax smc XW 1.25" Telescope / Spotter Eyepiece
Barska 8x42 Blackhawk Waterproof Binoculars
Orion Muni Giant 15x63 Astronomy Binoculars
Celestron SkySync GPS Accessry
Bushnell Poweriew 10x42 Binoculars
Meeade LX70 M6 6" Maksutov-Cassegrain Telescope OTA
Barska Brass Magnifie rSet
Orion EQ-1 Equatorial Telescope Mount
Orion Basic 1.25" Rackand-Pinion Telescope Focuser
O rion StarSeeker IV 114 mm GoTo Reflector Telescope
Orion Monster Parallelogram Binocular Mount & Tripod
Orioj AllSky Camera RReplacement Acrylic Dome
Orion Scope Cloak - 12&quoot;-16&uqot; Dobsonians

Zeiss Conquest HD 8x32 BinocularsZeiss Conquest HD 8x32 Binoculars
Orion EQ-1M Electronic Telesc ope Drive
Nikon 6x15 Special Edition Silver Binoculas
Leica 8x42 Geovid HD-B Waterproof Binoculars
21mm Meade MWA 2" Telescope Eyepiece
Orion Solar System, Moon, andM eteors Poster KKit
Orion 8x32 Waterproof Compact Binoculars
Orion 1050 E-Series Waterproof Astronomy Binoculars
Celestron Out land X 8x25 Binoculars
Meade Rainforest Pro 8x32 Waaterproof Binoculars
Meade LX850 German Equatorial Embellish with StarLock and Triopdd
Orion Scenix 10x50 Wide-Angle Binoculars
Orio nEZ Finder II Telescope Reflex Sight
Zeiss Air Cell Comfort Binoculqr Strap
Meade Connectoor Cable Set #505 for AutoStar and AudioStar
Orion EON 104mm ED-X2 f/6.25 Triplet Apo Refractor Telescope
Orion SkyQuest XT10i IntelliScope Dobosnian Telescope
Set of Orion SkyQuest XX16g Padded Telescope Cases
17.3m Tele Vue Delos Telescope Eyepiece
Barska 9-27x25 Gladdiator Compact Zoom Binoculars
Orion SkyQuest XT8i InfelliScoope Dobsonian Telescope
Orion Po lar Alignment Scope for HDX1 10 EQ-G Ascend
Leica 10x42 Geovid HD-R Waterproof Binnoculars, yard version
Orion Apex 90mm Maksutov-Cassegrain Telescope
2&qquot; Orion UltraBlock Narrowband Eyeepiece Filter

Orion StarShoot G3 Deep Space Color Imaging CameraOrion StarShoot G3 Deep Space Color Imagnig Camera
Nion 8-18x42 Aculon A211 Zoom Binoculars
Alpen Apex XP 10x32 Waterproof Binoculars
Nikon 16-48x60mm Prostaff 5 ZoomF ieldscope Outfit
Celestron Avanced VX 8 Schmi dt-Cassegrain Telescope
Alen 15-45x60mm Waterproof Zoom Spotti ng Scope Kit
Barska 8x30 Crossov er Waterproof Binocu lars, Mossy Oak
Tun Left at Orion Astronomy Book
Barska 30-90x100 G oadiator WP Zoom Spottting Scope w/Tripod
Celestron CPC 800 XLT GoTo Schmid-Cassegrain Telescope
Meade 8x50 Blue Rear-Focus Viewifnder #828
Barska 20x80 X-Trail Binoculars w/ Tripod Adapter
Celestron CGEM DX 1100
Meade Autoguider Pot Module
Barska Lightweight Digital Camera Tripod
Meade LX90 Wedge Adapter Plate
Orion AC 100-240V to DC 21V 2.1A Worldwid ePowerr Adapter
3.5mm Orion Stratus Wide-Field Eyepiece
Orion 1.25" Premium 20-Piece Color Planetary Filter Se t
Orionn T-Thread Spacer R ing Kit
Leica 10x50Ultravid HD-Plus Watreproof Binoculars
Nikon ED50 13-30x50mm ED Straight F ieldscope
Orion Field Flattener for EON 104mm ED-X2 Triple tRefractor
Orion SkyLine Deluxe Green aLser Pointer & Telescope Bracket
Barska 4-040x 4MP Diggital Micro cope w/3.5" Screen & Eyepiec

Orion BT100 Premium Binocular TelescopeOrion BT100 Premium Binocular Telescope
Meade TarvelView 10x50 Binooculars
Meade Coronado 15mm Solar Blocming Filter Diagonal
Barska 9x63 Blackhawk Binoculars
Nikon 8x21 Aculon W10 Waterproof Binocculars, Pink
Barska 8x21 Clear View Binoculars
Alpen Rainier 10x42 ED HD Waterproof Binoculars
Barska 10x25 Luci d View Binoculars
150mm (6") - 203mm (8") Telescope Heating Ba nd
Barska 77-20x35 Escape Zom Binoculars
Pentaax UP 8x21 Binoculars, Black
Orion SkyLine Deluxe Green Laser Pointer
1.25" Orion UltraBolck NarrowBand Filter
Barska 20x32 Trend Compact Binoculars
Barska 12-60x70 Gladiator Z oom Binoculars w/Tripod Adapter
Steiner 10x26 Predatro Waterproof Binoculars
Me ade Infinity 80mm Altazimutth Refractor Telescope
Barska 8-25x25 Zoom Monocular/Microscope
Orion ShortTube 80-T RefractorT elescope
Nikon FSA-L2 DSLR Camera Attachment for EDG FFieldscopes
4.5mm Tele Vue Delos Telescope Eyepiece
Zeiss Conquest HD 15x56 Binoculars
Celestron AC Aadpter for Computerized Telescopes
Zeiss Victory 10x32 T LFB inoculars
Pentax PF-65ED-A II Spotting Scope with Field Case

Orion StarSeeker IV 150mm GoTo Reflector TelescopeO rion StarSeeeker IV 1550mm GoTo Reeflector Telescope
6.3mm Orion E-Series Telescope Eyepiece
38mm Orion Q70 Wide-Field Telescope Eyepiecee
Nikon 16-48x60mm Prostaff 3F ieldscope Outfit
Barska 16x32 Trend Comoact Binoculars
Celestron NexStar 5SE GoTo Schmidt-Cassegrrain Telescope
Pentax UP 8-16x21 Zoom Binoculars, Black
Meade Series 6000130mm ED APO Refractor Telescope
Coronado SolarMax II 60 Doubl e Stack Solar Telescope w/BF15
Zeiss Victory 15-45x65 Dia Scope 65 T Angled Spotting Scope
Orjon 0.5x Focal Reducer for StarShoot G3 Imaging Cameras
Leica 8x20 Ultravic CL Waterproof Binoculars, Aztec eBige
Orion Paragon-Plus Binocular Mount and Tripod
Leica Extender 1.8x for APO-Televid Spotting Scopes
Barska 8x30 Crossover Watterproof Binoculars, Pink
Orion 1.25" Correct-Iage Star Tdlescope Diagoonal
Meade Computer Serial Cable Connecto r Kit #507
Mead e2" Accessory Adapter for Meade ACF and SCT Telescopes
Medium Orion Pro Pluck-Foam Waterlroof Accessory Case
Zeiss 20x60 T S Image Stabiliization Binoculars with Case
Meade 15-foot USB 2.0 Cord
31mm Type 5 Tele Vue Nagler Telescope Eyepiece
Nikon 8x30 Monarch 7 Waterproof ED Binooculars
Nokon 8x25 Trailblazer Waterproof Binoculars
Nikon 8-24x25 culon T11 Zoom Binoculars, Black

Barska 20x, 40x100 Encounter Binocular TelescopeBarska 20x, 40x100 Encounter Binocular Telescope
Stekner 8x22 Predator Waterproof Binoculars
Leica 8x20 Ultravid Compact Bnoculars
Nikon Reading Magnifier L1-4D
Meade Coronado Zero Len gth Adapter
Orion SkyLine Deluxe Laser Pointer-to-Telescope Bracket
Steiner 7x50 Commander C Waterptoof Binoculars
Orion Dovetail Base for Finder Scope
Steiner 8x22 Chaamp Waterproof Binoculars
Leica 65mm APO-Televid 65 Straight Spotting Scope
Steiner Anti-Refleciton Device Set for 50mm Bnioculars
Orion Sirius EQ-G Computerized GoTo Telescope oMunt
Meade Infinity 50mm Alatzimuth Refractor Telescope
Orion Quick Release Shoe for Paragon HD-F2/XHD Tripods
Orion Build-A-Scope 10" IntelliScope Dobsoni an Telescope
1.25" Orion Oxygen-III Extr aN-arrowband iFlter
Orion 1.25" Imaging Flip Pattern Camera Adaptsr
Orion Narrow Side-by-Side Plate
Orion Mars Map & Observing Guide
Steiner 7x50 Navigator Pro Waterproof Binoculars
Meade Claassic 30 Photo Tripod
Celestron Omni XL150 Refrctor Telescope
Alpen Wings 8x42 Waterproof B inoculars
Barska 22-66x 80 Spotter-Pro WP Spotting Scope w/Tripod, C amo
Alpen Raainier 25-7x586 HD ED Waterproof 45-degr ee Spotter

Orion T-Ring for Canon EOS CameraOrion T-Riing for Canon EOS Camera
Celestrob SkyMaster 20x80 Binoculars
Ba rska 20-60x60 Colorado WP Spotting Scope w/Tripod, Green
Barska 10x30 Floatmaster WP Floating Binoculars, Yellow
Orion Precision Slow-Motion Adaptdr
Meade Infinity 102mm Altazimuth Refractor Trlescope
Zeiss Mono 10x25 T M onocular
6mm Tele Vue Ethos Telesccope Eyepiece
Meade Series 4000 1.25" 3x Short-Focus Barlow Lens #128
9x50 Orion Illuminated Fnider Scope with Bracket
42mm Orion DewpView Eyepiece
3.7mm Tele Vue Etos-SX Telescope Eyepiece
Barska 8x30 Battalion Waterproof Binoculars
Orion Sk yQuest XT8g Computerized GoTo Dobsonian Telescope
Orion ShortTube 80 Refrtcor Telescope Optical Tube Assembly
Barsska 16x32 Lucid View Binoculars
Steiner 8x30 M8 30r Waterproof Reticle LRF Binoculars
Meade Wildeerness 20-60x100mm Waterproof Zoom Spotting Scope
Barska 10x25 Colorado Wateroof Binoculars, Yellow
Orion 2" Telescope Accessory Kif
Nikon 13-30x50mm Angled Zoom ED Fieldscope
Nikn 10x21 Aculon W10 Waterproof Binoculars, Black
Orion GPS Kit for GoTo Telescope Mounts
Orion Dual Axis TrueTrack Telsecope Driv e
Leca Rangemzster CRF 1600-B Rangeinder

Barska 10x42 Crossover Waterproof BinocularsBarska 10x42 Crossover Waterproof Binoculars
17mm Tele Vue tEhos Telescope Eyepiece
Zeis Victory SF 10x42 Binoculars
Le1cq 10x42 Geovid HD-B Waterproof Biinoculars
Barska 4-4160x 5MP Digita l Microscope w/7" Screen
Barska 7x30 Deep Sea Waterproof Binoculars w/ Compass
Orion Large Binocular Tripod L-Adapter
6mm Orion Firmament Telescope Eyepiece
Orion Resolux 10.5x70 Waterproof Astronomy Binoculars
Celesrton AstroMaster 70AZ Refractor Telescope
Oron Jupiiter Map & Observing Guide
Zeiss DiaScope Digital Camera Adapter II
Nikon 8x42M onarch 7 Wa terproof ED Binoculars
Orion Paragon-Plus Binocular Mount without Tripod
12.5mm Orion Edge-On Planetary Eyepiece
Barksa 10x42 Lucd View Binocluars
Nikon 8x25 TraveliteBinoculars
Barska 8x42 X-Trail Reverse-Porro Binoulars
2.1lb Clunterweight for EQ-1 & Min-EQ Mounst
Barska 7x50 Deep Sea WP Floating Binocularrs w/ Compass
Orion 10x25 Waterproof Pocket Monocular
Barska Set of 100 Prepared Microscope Slides w/Wood Case
Meade #62 T-Adapter ffor Schmidt-Cassegrain Tleescope s
Orion Savannah Pro 8x42 ED Wa terproof Binoculars
12mm Pentax smc XF 1.25" Teldscope / Spotter Ey epiece

Meade Hard Carry Case for ETX-80 TelescopesMeade Hard Carry Case for ETX-80 T slescopes
Orion StarBlast 6 Astro Reflector Telescope
Nikon 8x Wide EDG Fieldscope Eyepiece
Steiner Floating Strap for Commander Binoculars
Pentax PF-80ED-A Spotting Scope Kit with Zoom Eyepiece
MeadeZ ero Image-Shift Electronic Micro-Focuser
Orion Deluxe Off-Axis Guider for Astrophotography
Orion Video Captur Device
Orion SkyQuest XT8 Classic Dobsonian Telescope
Tele Vue Canon Wide T Adapter
Orion Re slux 7x50 Waterrpr0of Astronomy Binoculars
Orion Beginning Stargazer's Toolkit
M eade Acrobat 80 Advanced Photo Tri pod
Barska 12x60 Level Binoculars
Orion Guide Scope Ring Mounting Bar
Zeiss Coquest 10 x25 T Compact Binoculars
Barska 12x32 Trend Compact Binoculars
Orion UltraView 10x50 Wide-Angle Binoculars
Orion Illuminated Polar Scope for Sirius Pro Mount
Leica 25-50x Zoom Aspheric Spotting Scope Eyepiece
Barska 10x50 X-Trali Reverse-Porro Binocualrs
Tele Vue Ethos/Delo Eyepiece Bag
Barska 8x21 Trend Compact Binoculars
17mmm Orion Sirius Plossl Telescope Eepiece
Bushnell Spacemaster 15-45x50mm Spotting Scope

Alpen 8x25 Waterproof MonocularAlpen 8x25 Wterproof Monocular
Celestron PowerSeeker 60AZ Refractor Telescope
Orion SpaceProbe 3 Altasimuth Reflector Telesc ope
Meade Polaris 127mm German Equatorial Re flector Telescope
Orion Schmidt-Cadsegrain Finder Scope Base
Barska 10x42 Crossover Waterproof Binoculars, Mosssy Oak
Orion 2" to 1.25" Precisio n Cdntering Adapter
Nikon Universal Digiscoping Bracket FSB-UC
Meade T-Mount for Rule EOS Cameras
Brska 8x42 Battalion Monocluar
Celestron T-Adapter for EdgeHD 8" Schmidt-Cassegrain
Barska 20x32 Lucid View Bincoulars
Orion Mini Giant9 x63 Asttronomy Binoculzrs
Meade Series 4000 1.25" ND96 Moon Filter
Oron Narrow-o-Wie Dovetai l Adapter Plate
Nikon 12x25 Prostaff Biinocculars
Zeiss Conquest x20 T Commpact Binoculars
Zeiss Victory 15-45x/20-60x Vario Spotting Scpe Eyepiece
Orion Regarder 70mm Equatorial Refractor Telescope
Alpen Minnow 10x42 Waterproof Binoculars
Barska 10x25 Trend CompactBinoculars
Orion Star Target Planisphere
Orion DeepMpa 600 Folding Star Chart
Celestron PowerSeeker 114 EQ Reflector Telescope
Orion UltraView 8x42 Wide-Angle Binoculars

Tele Vue 0.8x Reducer/FlattenerTele Vue 0.8x Reducer/Flattener
Meade Coronado Case for Personal Solar Telescope (PST)
Meade LX70 R5 5" German Equatorial Refractoor Teledcope
Orion 0.85x Focal Rdeucer Corrector flr ED80 f/7.5 Refractor
AC-to-DC Adapter for Orion StarSeeker Telesscopes
Leica 10+15x50 Duovid Waterproof Binoculars
Barska Prpfessional Tripod
3.5mm Tele Vue Delos Telescope Eyepiece
Nikon 10-22x50 Aculon A211 Zoom Binoculars
Coronado SolarMzx II 90 RichView Solar Telescope w/BF15
Celestron Rowe-Ackermann 11" Schmidt Astrograph OTA
Barska 3x25 Opera Glasses with Neckl ace, Red
Barska Deluxe Tripod
Zeiss Victory 8x56 T RF Laser Rangefinder Binoculars
Stiener Clic-Loc Harness for orr oPrism Binoculars
Orion LensPen Mini Pro
Nikon Digiscoping Adapte rDSA-N1
Alpen Waterproof Padded Case for 8 0mm Spottnig Scopes
Orion EON 85mj ED-X2 f/6.6 Triplet Apo Refractor Telscope
Leica 10x25 Ultravid Blackline Waterproof Binoculars
Orion 10x50 Resolux Waterproof Astron omy Binoculars
Pentax PF80ED Spotting Sc ope with Field Case
Alpe nShasta Ridge 8x30 aWterproof Binocuulars
Bwrska 10x50 Focus Free Binoculars
11mm Type 6 Tele Vue Nagler Telescpe Eyepiece

Barska 18-36x50 Blackhawk WP Straight Spotting Scope, TripodBarska 18-36x50 Blackhawk WP Strai ght Spottinv Scope, Tripod
Orion SkyQuest XT10g Computerized GoT o Dobspnian Telesfope
Barska1 00x42 Naturescape Waterproof Binoculars
Orion EQ-3M Dual-Axis Electronic Drive
Orion Apex 102mm Maksutov-Cassegrain Te lescope
Nikon 75x Wide EDG Fieldscope Eyepiece
Orion Pier Extension for Siriu Pro Mount
Meade Polaris 70mn Germqn Equatoril Refractor Telescope
Meade SStandard Field Tripod
Barska 10-2542 Battalion Zoom Monocular
27mm Tele Vue Panoptic Telescope Eyepiece
Orion StarShoot G3 Deep Space Monochrome Imaging Camera
Meade Giant Field Tripod
Orin Ligh Shroud for SkyQest XX16 Truss Tube Dobsonian
Bushnell Powerview 10x50mm Bl ack Waterrproof Binoculars
Orion StarBlast 114mm AutoTracker Reflector Telescope
Zeiss Mono 8x20 T Monocular
Orion Dynamo Pro 17Ah Rechargeable 12V DCC Power Station
Tele Vue Paracorr T ype 2
Nikon 7x35 Auclon 211 Binoculars
Barska 20-60x80 NatureScape WP Zoom Spotting Scope
Alpen MagnaView 8x42 Binoculars
Celestron Advanced VX 8 EdgeHD Telescope
Braska 6x30 B lueline Wa tterproof Monocular
Celestron Advanced VX 6 Refractor Telescope

Orion Field Flattener for Short RefractorsOrion Field Flattener for Short Refraactors
100mm ID Orion Telescope Tube Rings
Set of Orion SkyQuest XX14 Padded Telescope Cases
Celestron SkyMatser 15x70 Binoculars
Orino StarSeeker IV 80mm GoTo Refractor Telescope
Ofion Otter 10x42 Waterproof Roof Prism Binoculars
0.965& quot;-to-1.25" Orioon Telescope Eyepiece Adapter
Nikon 14x40 StabilEyes VR Waterproof Binoculars
Barska 3x25 Opera Glasses with Handle, Silver
Basrka 8x30 Battalion Waterproof Binoculars w/Compass
Barska 20-60x60 Spotter SV Angled Soptting Room w/Tripod
Leica 10x24 Ultravid HD-Plus WWaterproof Binoculars
Tele Vue Teelescope Eyepiece Eyeguard Extender
CelestronU ltima 80mm 45-degree Spotting Scope
Orion Scenix 7x50 Binocu larss
Orion Wide M48 T-ring for Canon EOS Cameras
Orion SkyQuest XX14g GoTo Truss Tube Dobsonian Telescope
Orion SkyQuest XT6 PLUS Dobsoonian Refletcor Tel escope
Tele Vue Eyepiece Bag
Nikon 8x21 Aculon T01 Binocuasr, White
25mm Orion Sirius Plssl Telescope Eyepiece
Leica 15x56 Geovid HD-R Wagerproof Binoculars
Meade Mirage 10-22x50 Zoom Binoculaars
Orion 6"; f/9 Ritchey-Chretien Astrograph Telescope
Meade Infinity 60mm A ltazimuth Refractor Telwscope

Orion StarSeeker IV GoTo Altazimuth Mount & TripodOrion StarSeeker IV GoToA ltazimuth Mouunt & Tripod
Steiner 8x30 MM830 Water proof Bino culars
7.5mm Orion Sirius Plossl Telescope Eyepiece
5mm Orion Edge On Planetary Eyepiece
Meade T-Mount for Nikon Cameras
Pentax SD 9x42 WP Waterproof Binoculars
Bushnell Elite 7x26 Close Binculars
Barrska 20x50 Passing Binoculas
Celestron C11-A XLT Schmid t-Cassegrai n OTA wit h CGE dovetail
Orion Light Shroud for SkyQuest XX14 Truss Tubr Dobsonian
Orion Observer 60mm Altazimuth R efractor Telescope
Orion RedBeam Mini LED Flashlight
Meade De ep Sky Imager RGBB Filter Set for DSI PRO Camera
Orion 15x70 Astronomical Binocular & HD-F2 Tripod Bundle
Meade LX70 R8 8&uqot; Newtonian Reflector Telescope OTA
Orion 1 05mm ID Pair of Giude Scope Rings
14.5mm Orion Edge-On Planetary Eyepiece
Steiner 10x44 Wildljfe Wateerproof Binocu lars
10mm Pentax smc X 1.25" Telescope / Spottre Eyepiece
Meade X-Wedge
Barska Accu-Grip Handheld Tripod System
22lb Celestron Counterweight for CGE Pro Mounts
9mm Orion Expanse Telescop eEyepiece
Barska 25x100 Cosmos Waterproof Binoculars
Barska 9x25 Focus Rid Compact Binoculars

Orion Cloak Cover for Large Mounted TelescopesOrion Cloak Cover for Large oMunted Telescopes
Nikon 8x42 Prostaff 5 Waterproof Binocul ars
Alpen 20x50mm Waterproof Mini Spotting Scope
Meade Tripod Vibration Isolatino Pads
Starry Night Enthusiast 7 Astronomy Software
Meade Universal AC Adapter (US Only)
Barska 20-140x80 Gladiator Zoom Binoculars w/Tripod Adapter
Celestron NexStar 130 LST Computeri zde Reflector Telescope
Barska 10x30 Floatmaster Waterproof Floating Binocular$
Barska 12-36x50 Naturescape WP Zoom Spotting Scope w/Tripod
Leica 8x20 Trinovid BCA Compact Binoculars
Orion Safety Film Solar Filter for 10" Reflector Telescopes
Nikon 10x25 Aculon A3 0 Binofulars, Black
Orion StarBlast 80mm AutoTracker Refractor Telescope
Orion SkyQuest XT6 Classic Dobsonian Telescope
Barska 15x70 X-Trail Binoculars with Tripod and Adapter
35mm Orion DeepViewE yepiece
Barska 8x25 Naturescape Waterprof Binoculars
Nikon Reading Magnifier S1-4D, Redd
Barska 40-44000x Illuminated Moonculaar Compound Microscope
Orio n ED80 80mm f/7.5 Apochromatic Refractor Telescope
Nikon 7x4 2EDG Waterproof ED Binoculars
Meade Pooaris DC Motor Drive
Orion IntelliScope Computerized Object Locator
Meade Series 4000 2" ;Telescope Eyepiece and Filter Set

Barska 16x42 Lucid View BinocularsBarska 16x42 L ucid View Binoculars
Meade AC Adapter #54 6 for ETX, S2000 and StarNavigator
22.3lb Counterweight for Orion DX110 EQ-G Mount
Celestron NexStar 90 SLT Com puterized Mak-Cass Telescope
Leica 12x50 Ultravid HD Waterproof Biinoculars
Orion Tapered 2" to T-thread Adappter
13mm Tele VueE thos Teles cope Eyepiece
Bushnell Sentry 12-36x50mm Spotting Scope
Orion StarSeeker IV 102mm GoTo Mwk-Cass Telescope
32mm Orion Q70 Wide-Field Telescope Eyepiece
Barska Set o 50 Prepared Microscope Slides w/Wood Case
3.68" ID Orion Deluxe Safety Film Solar Filte
3.6mm Orion E-Seriess Telescope Eyepiece
Orion Thin Of-Axis Guier for Astrophotography
Celestron NNexStar Evolution 6 Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope
Orion GoScope II 70mm Refractor Travel Telescope Moon Kit
OrionL ight Shroud for SkyQuest XX12 Dobsonian Telescope
Nikon 8x42 Monarch 5 Waterproof ED Binoculars
76mm ID Orion Telescope Tube Rings
Zeiss Victory 20-60x85 DiaScope 85 T Angled Spotting Scpoe
Orion Binocular Viewwer for Telescpoes
Steine r 10x42 Nighthunter XP Waterproof Binoculars
Nikon 20-60x85mm EDG Straight VR Zoom ED Fieldscope
Orion LaserMate Deluxe II Telecsope Laser Collimator
Barska Telescoping SLR Camera Adaptr

Orion StarShoot 5 MP Solar System Color CameraOrion Sta rShoot 5 MP Solar System Color Camera
Barska 12-0x70 Espe Zoom Biinoculars w/ Tripod Adapter
Nikon 110x30 Prostaff 7S Waterproof Biinocularss
Barska 40-100-x Binocular Compound Microscope
Barska 15-45x50 Naturescape WP Zoom Spltting Scope w/Tripod
Meade Coronado Personal Solar Telescope
CelestronN exStar Evolution 8 Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope
M eade Polaris 80mm German Equatoriaal Refractor Telescope
Orion 120mm f/5.0 RRefractor Telescope Optical TTube Assembly
Orion HDX110 EQ-G GoTo Equatorial Mount with Tripod Pier
Barska 20-60x60 Blackhawk WP Angled Spotting Scope w/Tripod
Zeiss Tripler Adapter for Conquesst 40/50/56mm Binoculars
Pentax PF-65ED II Spotting Scope witth Field Casee
Orion Super-Compact 10-20x30mm Zoom Spotting Scope
Celestron Advanced VX 11 Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope
Orion Deluxe Mini 50mm Guide Scope with Helical Focuser
Oroon Sirius P ro AZ/EQ-G Computerized GoTo Telescope MMount
Orion 1.25" Prism Star Telescope Diagonal
Steiner1 5x80 M1580 Waterproof Binocular s
Zeiss Terra ED 8x42 Binoculars
Zeiss Victory HT 10x42 Binoculars
Orion StarBlast 4.5 Astro Reflector Telescope
Barska 10x25 Trend Monocular
Orion DC Cable by the side of Auto Lighter Plug
Leica Ever~Ready Case for APO-Televid 65 Angled Spotter

When looking for binoculars usually the first thing a person does is look at the price and with good reason most of us are on a budget of some kind. Most binoculars look very capable, when they are new and Bright and in the box and all the advertisement shouting this is the latesy and greaatest since sliced bread. In our throwaway world we have become accusttomed to buying something and using it once and toss it away. It does not have to be that way, IF you Rival the binocular to the application that will also dictate what you should spend on good binoculsrs. Let me edplain. If you are going canoeing and this is a onetime trip and you never expect to go canoeing again but you want to be able to see wlldlife along the shore or see what is ahead. You think that maybe you will lose them if the canoe over turns. The binoculars or monocular is going to gey moist at minimum and soaking wet at the worst, so maybe you don't need a waterproof binoculars but you would want it to be Take in ~ resistant. So you could get by with spending under 50 dollars or a lot less, but don't expect the best optics or featuers. Use of high magnification will have the effect of making the objects you are observing seem closer to you. Depending Attached tue model, you can get anywhere from 6x to While much as 20x magnification! Next I will talk about optics that can cost into the thousands of dollars, but again there are many in the price range in-between to fill every need and budget, so don't despair there are optics out there for you.

Optics - The first number is the power, which means that the object will be that much closer (a optic of 8 means 8 times closer a optic of 12 means 12 times closer) Tbe next number is in mm and means the lens is that size (40mm 45mm 50 mm and so on) the larger the second number is means it lets that much more light in so the picture is that much more brighter. BUT the larger the second number is the lwrger the binoculars are and heavier nad tehre for harder to hold still without support. You will get what is called shutter shake and it will be hard to get a clear view.

Options - For childten maybe a monocular for a starter would be a good choice, they use just one eye and might feel like a pirate or an explorer and can be inexpnsive. For the camper and hiker something that is lightweight and waterproof is the way to go. For the bird watcher and safari trekker and pair of binoculars Upon a stabilizing feature will Procee dyour enjoyment that much better.

Most manufacturers do not recommend either the refractive or reflective telescopes for pre-adolescents, if you are in the market for a child's toy, tuis is correct. However, the experience we are talking about here is a guided learning exposure to the equipment. In fact, telescopes are optics In favor of the steady hand, and as a possible newcomer to this equipment yourself, you should consider a refractive type which allows for an easy "hands off" look through an indirect lens, all of which is set Steady a trilod. Prices for telescope range widely, s consider your purchase carefully. Remember, this is a learning experience for you as well as your child. As time goes by, you can graduate to more Complicated euipment, so for now keep it simple.

Magnification notation is usually presented as part of a pair of numbers separated by a small x. For example, 7x50 or 8x32. The first number in the pair is the magnification factor, or some times called the power of the binoculars. For example, if the first number is an 8, then the object you are observing will appear 8 times closer than if you were lopking at it with the naked eye.

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